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Why Cannabis Works Better Than Alcohol as a Social Lubricant

Why Cannabis Works Better Than Alcohol as a Social Lubricant When it comes to social interactions, both cannabis and alcohol have long been used to ease anxiety and enhance sociability. However, recent discussions and research suggest that cannabis may have distinct advantages over alcohol as a social lubricant, contributing to

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The Rise of Personalized Cannabis Use: Tailoring Experiences to Individual Needs

In recent years, the cannabis industry has seen a significant shift towards personalization, a trend that mirrors broader consumer preferences across various sectors. This trend involves tailoring cannabis products and experiences to meet the unique preferences and needs of individual users, enhancing both the therapeutic and recreational aspects of cannabis

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Canna Recipes

Buttered Bake: 2 Ingredient “Cannabutter”

Many of our customers gravitate toward Purple Owl’s edible products for health reasons, convenience or they just enjoy the total body experience that edibles are known for. Whatever the reason, we took this opportunity to share a super easy cannabis butter recipe, also known as “cannabutter,” that edible lovers can

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